As a business owner you have enough things to worry about; Workers’ Compensation insurance premiums shouldn’t be one of them.
That’s why we offer the power of Pay-As-You-Go, our pay-as-you-go solution for Workers’ Compensation Insurance. With Pay-As-You-Go, insurance premiums are automatically calculated each payday and powered by Payroll Medics. Each premium payment is based on your actual payroll for the period.
All clients of Payroll Medics are eligible for this money saving program. We partner with several major “A rated” workers' compensation carriers to offer our clients this valuable and convenient insurance solution. If you’re in need of a client focused agent, we can make the connection. If you have a trusted partner that you are comfortable with, we probably already work with them. Client focused and technology driven is our approach to serving you.
If you have questions about Pay-As-You-Go powered by Payroll Medics or want to determine if this is a good solution for your business, contact your Payroll Medics client service representative.